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Monday to Friday : 9.00am to 7.00pm
Saturday : 9.00am to 3.00pm
Sundays & Public Holidays : Closed
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Opening Hours :
Monday to Friday : 9.00am to 7.00pm
Saturday : 9.00am to 3.00pm
Sundays & Public Holidays : Closed
All other times possible with appointment. House call is available.
Banting Branch
myPhysioworks Physiotherapy Centre
No. 196, Jalan Sultan Abdul Samad,
Tel : 03-31812500, 012-4404815
Opening Hours :
Monday to Friday : 9.00am to 7.00pm
Saturday : 9.00am to 3.00pm
Sundays & Public Holidays : Closed
All other times possible with appointment. House call is available